SUMMIT is a postdoc-led conference at the Grafton Campus of the University of Auckland! Our main purpose is to recognise and encourage research collaboration in health and related fields. SUMMIT provides a platform to promote and present excellent science and interdisciplinary research amongst post-docs affiliated with the Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, Liggins Institute, and Auckland Bioengineering Institute. It’s an excellent opportunity for networking among the UoA research community!

When: Thursday 4thJuly
Time: 0900 – 1900
Where: FMHS – Grafton


Programme now available here:

SUMMIT2024 Programme

Registration (atrium outside building 504) opens at 8:30 am with tea and coffee.

From 9 am, we have a full day of exciting talks covering a broad range of health-related topics. Plan your day ahead, and be sure to stay for the prize-giving ceremony and post-event refreshments (after 5 pm).

Everyone is welcome! Whether you can join us for the entire day or just a few talks, we’d love to see you there. Tea, lunch, and post-event refreshments will be provided.

PLUS, this year, we’re adding some extra fun with a raffle! Visit our fantastic sponsors’ stands, interact with them, and you’ll earn a raffle ticket. Write your name on the ticket and drop it into the draw for a chance to win amazing prizes. The winners will be announced during the prize-giving ceremony at 5 pm, and you must be present to claim your prize! Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity!

Looking forward to seeing you there!